Lightweight Suitcase Ramp
Is it difficult for you to roll your wheelchair up and down a stairwell? The Ausnew Lightweight Suitcase Ramp provides a smooth ride. These items are created specifically for homes with staircases to make it easier and safer for your loved one who is in a wheelchair to get around.
This durable, portable, Ausnew Lightweight Suitcase Ramp is ideal for providing access to houses and cars for wheelchairs, scooters, walkers, and rollators.
The folding, suitcase-type ramp is constructed from lightweight, rust-free aluminium and has milled safety treads on the surface, raised side walls, and security locks, making the unit extremely portable and convenient to store.
With stainless steel fittings and a sturdy carry handle. The Lightweight Suitcase Ramp is available in lengths.
✔️ Suitable for majority of scooters and wheelchairs✔️ 5ft (1520mm) or 3ft (910mm)
✔️ Provides access to vehicles and buildings
✔️ Safety all-weather tread
✔️ Easy to use and transport
✔️ Weight Capacity 272kg