Natural Lupin Lower Back Heating Wrap
The Ausnew Natural Lupin Wraparound Heat Pack is purposely designed to target hip and back pain.
Our Natural Lupin Wraparound Heat Pack is specially designed to tackle hip pain and back pain utilizing the natural power of heat therapy.
Lower back pain and hip pain can be crippling and debilitating at the best of times. Moreover, back pain can be stubborn and last for days at a time.
To tackle this issue we have designed a natural heat pack that comfortably wraps around the body and fastens on to target the lower back whilst allowing you to get on with your life and continue doing the things that you need and love to do!
There is no need to sit down and treat your back with heat therapy, with our wraparound heating pad heat pack you can walk around as you please whilst the heat pack does its job, giving your lower back soothing warm heat therapy and actively dissipating lower back pain and lower back muscle aches.
✔️ Quick microwave for easy heating.
✔️ Freeze and use as a cold pack.
✔️ Suitable for all parts of the body.
✔️ No odor.
✔️ 100% natural cotton corduroy cover.
✔️ 30% lighter than a comparable standard wheat bag.
✔️ Handmade in Australia from 100% natural Australian lupins.
✔️ Allergy and odour free.
✔️ Not treated with chemicals or fungicides.
✔️ A better heat retainer than traditional wheat bag / heat packs.
✔️ This unique lower back heat wrap will easily fit and shape to the contour of the lower back.
✔️ The adjustable belt allows the segmented lupins pack to be easily held against the back for long periods.
✔️ Hands free relief without interrupting daily commitments.
One simple size fits all.
Our lupins bags with their gentle penetrating heat or cold, go deep into the muscles to help nature with the act of healing.
By simply warming in the microwave or chilling in the freezer, the natural lupins will assist to soothe aches, pains, stress, and hot flushes.
Totally Natural healing: Lupins are widely regarded as a “low allergy” alternative to wheat and are more resistant to moisture (to make cleaning easier) and less weight for more comfort.