Natural Lupin Heat Pack - Comforting Hand Mitt Heat Bag
Are you looking for a heated mitt that is odorless and allergy-free? The Ausnew Natural Lupin Heat Pack - Comforting Hand Mitt Heat Bag is the answer. These heat bags are great for warming hands and improving circulation in general.
The Ausnew Natural Lupin Hand Mitt Heat Bag is a unique warming mitt that is segmented with the grain stitched directly into the product.
Fantastic for arthritis, rheumatism, and general circulation.
Our lupins bags with their gentle penetrating heat or cold, go deep into the muscles to help nature with the act of healing.
By simply warming in the microwave or chilling in the freezer, the natural lupins will assist to soothe aches, pains, stress, and hot flushes.
The Lupin hand mitt is suitable for arthritis sufferers and those with cold hands.
✔️ Quick microwave for easy heating.
✔️ Warm hand to manage arthritis better.
✔️ Suitable for warming hands.
✔️ No odor.
✔️ 30% lighter than wheat heat bags/packs.
✔️ Made from Australian lupins in Australia.
✔️ Allergy and odor-free.
✔️ Not treated with chemicals or fungicides.
✔️ Heat is longer lasting than traditional wheat bags.