Perth filmmaker Peter Renzullo is colourblind and lost all but 3 per cent of his vision as a teenager.
But being legally blind hasn't stopped him from shooting and directing his first feature film which is now set for release.
"It's a strange thing to hear about a blind filmmaker or a blind director," Mr Renzullo said.
"But it's been exciting because that hasn't stopped me because technology has helped me a lot."
ABC Radio Perth: Gian De Poloni
)The 37-year-old said he hoped to show his film, Anticipation, on the local festival circuit later this year.
It was filmed on a special camera that highlighted what was in focus with a harsh green hue — a contrast Mr Renzullo can see.
"I wouldn't have had a chance in hell without it just because of my eyes," he said.
"It wouldn't have happened because I just can't physically see if things are in focus past a foot from me.
He also filmed the majority of Anticipation at night as his vision improves in lower light.
ABC Radio Perth: Gian De Poloni
)Blind filmmaking against the odds
His day job is music producer, but Mr Renzullo hopes his first foray into film production will open doors for him in other creative industries.
"It really just came down to me proving I could do it to myself and to others," he said.
"There's things I shouldn't be able to do, but I'm really excited that I can do it.
"It's been a blast."
Supplied: Peter Renzullo
)Anxiety, self doubt resonates with creative industry
Anticipation details the plight of a musician who battles anxiety and self doubt as he tries to further himself in the music industry.
Mr Renzullo said the storyline drew from his own personal experiences as well as conversations he'd had with other musicians about their anxieties.
"Even though I didn't suffer from the anxiety side of things, I did have the self sabotage and self doubt which came from the vision impairment," he said.
"This has been a way to get over that.
"The themes of the film are essentially mirrored in my making of the film."
A preview screening of the film was held in Margaret River earlier this month and will be ready for release after being professionally colour graded.
ABC Radio Perth: Gian De Poloni